door Yerba Mate | apr 12, 2019 | Yerba mate Holland
What do Lionel Messi, Barack Obama, Pope Francis and Cristiano Ronaldo all have in common? Mate! A huge number of footballers love this drink. But why? Why do all the best footballers in the world need mate to play at their highest...
door Yerba Mate | jan 17, 2017 | Yerba mate Holland
door Yerba Mate | jan 6, 2017 | Yerba mate Holland
Nothing expresses the soul of southern South America better than its liquid pick-me-up, an herbal infusion called mate (maté). All over Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and southern Chile, men and women engage in animated conversation while holding a rotund cup and a...
door Yerba Mate | jan 4, 2017 | Yerba mate Holland
door Yerba Mate | jun 29, 2016 | Yerba mate Holland
Maak de kalebas vóór het eerste gebruik schoon door alle losse huid binnenin weg te schrapen d.m.v. een lepel of bombilla. Vul de kalebas voor de helft met droge yerba mate. Giet daarna warm water (niet kokend) in de kalebas. Laat de yerba mate en de kalebas het water...